Spring. Time once again to put the deer rifle away and grab the fishing rods! With an incredibly mild winter behind us now, fishing patterns are well ahead of schedule. Now that my friends is a good thing. While spanish mackerel, sheepshead and redfish currently take the spotlight, I can’t help myself but wonder what this years tarpon fishing season will bring.
Hopefully mother nature will be more kind to us this go around. She sent high westerly winds and seas against the beach for most of the summer, keeping us Tarpon hunters at bay most days. Although, we managed to boat two of the largest Tarpon brought to my boat in 2012.
Since I have silver on the brain, I thought I would share video of one of those pigs. She was 70″ to the fork, having her weight at around 175 lbs. She kicked my butt for the longest 45 minutes of my life and was then released with plenty of energy to go on her way.
Here’s to 2013 and more silver!
Capt. John Vann